What we believe

We confess the Triune God- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God has encountered and continues to encounter God’s people as our Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are 3 persons yet still 1 substance. The math doesn’t add up, but neither does the love of God- math doesn’t really reach the depth of God’s being and compassion justice.


Jesus is God in the flesh. He is fully God and fully human.

Jesus welcomed those who were deemed outcast and undesirable. He welcomes all.  

He taught that abundant life is experienced through the "way of the cross" or giving up one's own life for the sake of others. This is where real living begins.

The crucifixion of Jesus reveals the depth of God's great love. God is willing to serve and forgive us even to the point of death. 

Jesus rose from the dead three days later. The power of sin and death could not overcome the love of God in the person of Jesus Christ. No sin, brokenness, or death can ever separate us from the love of God


We are saved from sin and death because God loves us. Simple as that. If you are wondering what you need to do in order to prove that you love God back or to earn salvation or forgiveness… wonder no longer. The answer is Nothing. You don’t need to do a thing except believe that God loves you through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. And even the ability to believe is a gift!

Theology of the Cross

God shows up in the most unlikely of places. God chooses the foolish and weak to accomplish great and powerful things. God brought salvation to the enslaved Israelites, not the great and powerful Pharaoh of Egypt. God sent prophets to speak up for justice for the poor, the widow, and the stranger- the most vulnerable of society. God came into this world as a helpless baby. God also experienced death.

If God showed up in the oppressed, the weak, and even in death itself, God is certainly present in the oppressed, the weak, and the dying in our own selves and in our world today.